Wednesday, December 03, 2008

You haven't lived...until you've cried

Then my darlings, I can safely say that I have lived. So have all of you. 
All together we are living and we are alive...we cry and we feel.
Tonight I am crying...but it's okay right? Because I am living.

This is what they call living.


Anonymous said...

i think tears take us to the very core of our humanness ....

awareness said...

honey, i cry at least once a day.....sometimes big tears and sometimes just little drops of remembrance.....

paul is does take us to our core....i love that thought.

Rainbow dreams said...

Hey Niki, more than my fair share of tears here recently...
sometimes we feel the rawness of that core so painfully, but yes, it means we are alive, and yes tears are ok...very ok, x

Nikita said...

You're right Paul... it is those times curled up in the corner of the kitchen with tears streaming down my face that I feel most raw... and in a way, most alive.

Dana, here's to a daily cry, and the thoughts it brings us.

Thank you Katie... much love to you.
